Wednesday, September 15, 2010


While reading chapter 2 in our media students book, I began to the apply the different roles or spheres of action to the different characters of the film Machete that I saw this past weekend. First, the movie is focused on a Federale skilled in the weapon that gave him his nickname. Of Mexican decent, Machete launches a brutal, over the top revolution I guess you could say, for his fellow illegal immigrants. Since this movie depicts the type of abstract hero that our book talks about, it was hard to pinpoint the real hero of the movie.  Machete isn't your typical hero type. He is an old man with scars and tattoos. He kills people brutally and humorlessly through out the movie. Since he is the star of the narrative you have agree that he is the hero. He also is the one doing the action that is progressing the film and in the end he receives the reward, such as the 'princess,' that the hero is known to receive. Great movie. Go see it.


  1. I have been dying to see this movie. The previews looked good, classic Tarentino, I like how Danny Trejo is finally getting the respect he deserves, he kicks ass. Nothing like a mad Mexican with a huge blade.

  2. Haha after a career of supporting roles he finally gets a lead.
