Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Same distance from ground zero.

Personally, I wouldn't like to see the construction of a mosque in the ground zero vicinity but while wasting time on the web site I came across an interesting article displaying images of other things that are the same distance from ground zero as the proposed mosque would be built. 

you can find this article at 

even though the things that this website displays aren't as controversial as a mosque, I believe that establishments like these (mainly the first two) should not be allowed near ground zero either.


  1. It is kind of silly that people were calling it hallowed ground but not taking into account the other things that were right there. It kind of makes more sense to have a community center on hallowed ground than a strip club.

  2. I kind of agree with you TC...I personally feel that the families around this area who have lost loved ones should be respected and the site should be LEFT ALONE. I don't feel ANYTHING should be built...a mosque, a church or whatever type of religious building. I feel that it should be respected and left alone for those who lost their lives.
